[ Jump to: Become A Scouter | Group Committee | Program Support ]
Volunteering is easy! Just contact our Group Commissioner or any leader today!
Note: For all youth facing or committee positions, Scouts Canada requires all applicants to undergo a police record check, an interview, and some youth safety training. It’s doesn’t take long but it ensures that all volunteers understand that youth safety comes first.
Become A Scouter (Leader)
As a Scouter you will not only have the opportunity to have input into your child’s program but you will also be able to share the excitement and fun as well as make a huge difference in the lives of many kids and help shape a better world for tomorrow. You will have the benefit of learning new skills, making new friends and sharing quality time with your child. Training and uniforms are provided.
Here is a list of Scouter opportunities:
Beaver Scouters
Provide children 5-7 years of age with appropriately challenging, weekly meetings. Weekly meetings include all elements of the Beaver program.
Cub Scouter
Planning regular meetings, plus one weekend outing every two months. Provide an exciting weekly program with monthly outings. At least three outings will include overnight camping.
Troop Scouter
Planning patrol/troop meetings, plus one weekend outing every two months. Provide exciting weekly meetings, including at least six overnight camping experiences each year.
Venturer Advisor
Planning company/executive meetings, plus one weekend outing every two months. Help the company executive create challenging activities that are consistent with the Venturer program and the youth’s interests.
Group Committee
The group committee is responsible for servicing and supporting the Elmira Scouting Group program as a whole and includes assessing the needs of the group and to ensure that tasks and responsibilities are achieved. The following is a list of the various positions in the group committee. Most positions are currently held by individuals who also serve as Section Scouters and who would be more than happy to step down, as Scouts Canada encourages parent and/or community volunteers to these positions.
GROUP COMMISSIONER (Philippe Bertrand)
Principal point of contact for the Group. Assumes the leadership of a Group Committee. Previous Scouting experience an asset but not required.
GROUP ADMINISTRATOR (currently seeking)
Administer the non-program activities that are related to the Group. ie. Corporate Fundraising letters. Register all members through Scouts Canada’s Membership Management System. Organize a pre-registration program in the spring for new and returning members as well as a fall registration process.
GROUP TREASURER (currently seeking)
Effectively record, maintain, plan and explain all financial matters pertaining to the Group.
Record and maintain minutes and decisions made as well as compose other correspondence as required by the Group Committee.
Maintain and update the website including updating on-line Calendar, posting schedules, and design improvements for more interactivity.
Purchase, maintenance and insurance of equipment and Scout Shed Building.
COMMUNITY MEMBERS (currently seeking)
Non-scouting members of the community are invited to come to our monthly group committee meetings.
Please see our contact page for Executives and Section Scouters.
Program Support
If you are not interested in being a leader there are many other ways to help Elmira Scouting. Although the meetings with our youth are the major part of our program many activities do take place in the background. Here is a list of the many ways you can contribute:
Order apples, apple trays, and arrange for each section to take shifts for polishing and distribution of apples. Return crates.
Liaise between Scouts and the Jaycees for section participation in the Annual Santa Claus Parade
Coordinate with Guides and participating churches an annual service and campfire.
Oversee the placement of all sections in their various volunteer activities for Maple Syrup Day. Coordinate with Maple Syrup Festival Organizers to ensure all appropriate paperwork is completed.
Help and encourage sections to submit content to local newspapers. Submit content representing entire Group.